Sunday, March 22, 2015

Final 9!

It’s the final week of National Nutrition Month®!  Below are my final nine daily mini-goals for better health.

March 23:  Eat only until satisfied, not stuffed, even if there is food left on your plate (remember eating more slowly helps).
March 24:  Choose olive oil instead of butter.
March 25:  Do 10 push-ups this morning, afternoon, and evening – it feels great!
March 26:  Eat some spinach! It’s national spinach day!  Be “…strong to the finish ‘cause you eat your spinach!”
March 27:  Pray a prayer of thanksgiving before every meal (whether home or dining out).
March 28:  Stick to moderation if you enjoy an adult beverage – one drink/day for women or two drinks/day for men (to shave off some of those liquid calories ;) ).
March 29:  Plan next week’s meals and snacks before you go shopping (helps keep your food choices in check all week and helps your budget too).
March 30:  Eat breakfast, lunch and/or dinner as a whole family – no TV, no books, no papers, no phones, just food and family.
March 31:  Rock confidence!  Wherever you are right now in your journey to better health and weight management…BE you, BE joyful, BE confident.

I would love to hear what you did to improve your nutrition this month!  Did you try any of my daily mini-goals?  Leave me a brief comment if you feel like it!
One of my favorites was from this past week.  I focused on being sure I made eye contact with and smiled at anyone who crossed my path.  People can’t frown back! J  I enjoyed sharing the smile.  Whether it meant nothing to the other person or maybe it lifted their spirits, it had an interesting impact on me.  I think it is quite easy to put your head down, do your job, and move along, not ever really cherishing the simple moments you may have to interact with someone.  Remember that everyone has their own story and we often don’t know where in their story they are…could be on a mountain top or in a deep valley.  How we interact with them can make an impact…a positive one!  I have been encouraged to be more willing to offer a greeting, a smile, and even extra moments to just listen to another child of God.
Have a happy and healthy week!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Solid Ground

I was reminded this week that one size does not fit all when it comes to behavior change and improving food choices.  We are all so unique…it just makes sense that one process and one collection of foods would not equal weight loss or gain for everyone. I love it!  People are wonderfully intricate and beautiful puzzles. 
As a Registered Dietitian it is part of my job to get to know the folks I work with, get to know things they have tried, things they like, things they dislike, their attitudes toward foods and diets, and so much more!  Doing this helps me to provide the most effective motivation and education for that person. 
Y’all, it is okay if what worked for [insert name] didn’t work for you.  It is okay if you do not like some foods that are great for you (all I ask is that you have given them a chance).  Do not get me wrong, there is a great nutrition foundation that is applicable for most people, but when it comes to how that foundation is built upon, well, you can have fun and tailor it to you.  Be open to new strategies and new foods that might make more sense for you versus feeling pressured to mimic someone else’s food or dieting style to succeed.
I support teaching/learning nutrition basics because then you have the tools to build a custom food intake atop a great nutrition foundation.  Food ideas and menus are helpful supplemental tools, but don’t you want to have the power to build your own nutritious menus? 
Per usual, my way is not the fast, easy, and convenient way, but it is the lasting way.
I hope you’re inspired to quit comparing yourself to weight loss/diet successes or failures of others, inspired to be open to more than what you already know, and inspired to really learn the nutrition basics to arm yourself with the power to create your own unique nutritious masterpiece.
7 more daily goals to celebrate National Nutrition Month® and work on nutrition basics:
March 16: Choose “whole” grains today for more fiber and nutritious filling power.
March 17
: Be intentionally active.  Take the stairs, park further away, take stretch breaks at work.
March 18
: Check your labels for Trans fats (“hydrogenated oil”)…don’t eat it.
March 19
: Basic = God loves you! Believe it! Celebrate it!
March 20
: Eat the rainbow…no not skittles.  Did you get green, red, orange/yellow, blue/purple, and white fruits and veggies this week?
March 21
: Give a smile to others when you cross paths (whether you know them or not) J.
March 22
: Hydrate…have water with you all day and avoid those sugary drinks.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Something Has to Give

Did you reflect on your state of nutrition last week?  Did you take a small step to improve it?  I hope so.  Small steps can turn into big successes!
I ran into an interesting thought this week regarding our small steps, our improvements/changes of behaviors or actions.   The idea is if you choose to add something new or change something old, either way, you have to give something up (either the old behavior being changed or something less important than the new behavior being added).  It’s so hard to “give stuff up,” but when you’re faced with the reality of needing to do so, it helps you prioritize what’s most important and what you want to keep.
For example, I want to spend more time in my day reflecting on a devotion and in prayer.  Surprise, it did not just happen on its own (funny how I almost expected it too).  I realized quickly that something had to move out for more devotion time to move in.  I had to prioritize and be intentional instead of thinking I would just tack it on to my morning or night-time routines.  It’s amazing how few minutes there are in the day when you fill it with work, meals, family time, exercise and entertainment (TV, social media).  One of these things is not like the other (in songJ).  It occurred to me quickly that I easily run into needing to get ready and out the door in the morning or feeling my eyes get so heavy in the evening that I must call it a night (before my additional devotion is complete). Realization = I have to ‘give-up’ some entertainment time to make my devotion (my new behavior) feasible.
In the food world it may be that you need to cut a few calories to promote weight loss, but you are dead set in your routine and food choices.  Surprise!  Something has to give.  You may have to break out of your food comfort zone…maybe have a kick-booty salad instead of a sandwich 3 days/week or start bringing your lunch to work instead of getting the ’too high in calories’ dish from that restaurant where they know your name.
In the exercise world it may be that you want to start incorporating more activity at least 3 days/week, but you can’t seem to leave work at a reasonable hour or you like surfing the web with the extra 15-30 minutes you have at lunch.  Surprise!  Something has to give.  Maybe set an alarm and leave work on time, non-negotiable, 3 days/week to get some exercise or walk for the first 15 minutes at lunch then eat your meal and surf the web with whatever time you have left.  Good health is good for productivity, don’t you know?
"Giving something up" sounds so daunting, but if we do it right, we are really just making room for the things that will truly make us stronger, healthier, and happier.  We just may not see it or feel it until we get there.
8 more daily actions in honor of National Nutrition Month® (had to double up a day, 2 for 1).
March 8 and 9: Get enough sleep tonight and follow a calming routine before bed – dim lights, quiet, etc.
March 10: Have a fruit or vegetable at every meal and snack
March 11: Participate in an exercise that is new/different for you (exercise class at local gym, home video, yoga, swimming, or just dance for 20 minutes to your favorite music)
March 12:  Eat 3 servings of dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese)
March 13:  Intentionally reflect on every blessing in the little moments of your day (smiles, kindness, your family, music, safety, quiet time, the warmth of the sun, etc.).
March 14: Enjoy a small treat…slowly, mindfully, savoring each little bite
March 15: Call someone you have not talked to in a while, but whose relationship you cherish
Have a beautiful week!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Celebrating National Nutrition Month!

March is National Nutrition Month!  Do you give any thought to what nutrition is or what your own nutrition looks like?  Let’s take a look.
According to Merriam-Webster, nutrition is “the act or process of nourishment,” or “the process of eating the right kind of food so you can grow properly and be healthy.”
Our nutrition, good or bad, impacts how our body functions, how we grow, how we feel, and how we think, whether you believe it or not.  Yes, there are things in life that are out of our control, but for the most part, our food decisions are not one of them.  You have the opportunity to NOURISH your body in a way that supports and enhances your ability to pursue your dreams and enjoy life to the fullest!  You have this opportunity because what you eat matters, what you drink matters…nutrition matters.
In honor of National Nutrition Month, I’ve put together 31 mini goals, one for each day of the month (I’ll post them by weeks).  You’ll notice that not all are directly food related.  This is because I believe our whole lifestyle can be nourishing and impact our health on multiple levels.   It is not just our food that can nourish, but also our activity, faith, and interaction with others, among so many more!  Maybe you do each of these on the day they’re posted, do each one every day, or maybe you just find a couple of my mini goals that speak to you and start incorporating them into your daily routine.  I’m happy however you want to use the following list, but I hope it makes your National Nutrition Month a month of improved nutrition, enhanced daily experiences, and greater health and happiness!
March 1: Read a health/wellness/nutrition blog that you enjoy ;).  Check!

March 2: Eat a healthy breakfast (whether it is your norm or not).

March 3: First thing in the morning, say a prayer of thanks for your health and a prayer for strength against temptation.

March 4: Try fresh celery with peanut butter as a snack: March is also National Fresh Celery and National Peanut Month (who knew?!)!

March 5: Choose to pack lunch from home instead of getting lunch out at a restaurant.

March 6: Be active with friends or family (ex. hike/walk at a local park, take a neighborhood walk/bike ride, have a Just Dance tournament, play a pick-up basketball game, hit the gym, walk and window shop at the mall – keep moving!).

March 7: Take 30 whole minutes for quiet time (put away ALL distractions) – be still, relax, reflect, de-stress, enjoy!