Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Hangry-Fighting Duo

Hungry by 10 AM?  What are you having for breakfast?  Fiber and protein?  If not, you’re missing out on a nutrient match made to be rib-stickin’ that keeps you satisfied until your next meal. 
I do eat a fiber and protein filled breakfast yet still eat at 10 AM, but that’s because there are generally 4-5 hours jammed between the two.  If I waited until 12 or 1 PM to eat, oh how I would be hangry.  It’s said that you get hangry when you’re so hungry that you get angry, your patience dwindles, and you’re extra sensitive or irritable.  Remember, food not only fuels your body, it fuels your brain, which means it can impact your concentration, memory and mood.  I like to avoid hangry feelings with a balanced breakfast and a healthy mid-morning snack.  Whether you wake up at 5, 8, or 11, getting a good powerful nutritious breakfast can support you on your way to a good day.  Protein and fiber are a hangry fighting duo you should use to build your breakfast.
Most of us get plenty of protein, but not enough fiber each day.  Both nutrients play various positive roles in our bodies and for our health, but today we focus on their filling power since without the right fuel, we face the temptations of the day (office vending or catered treats, grocery shopping, or simply our own pantries) a little more vulnerable to our diet saboteurs.
Get protein from:
Nuts and Nut Butters
Meat, Poultry, and Fish
Get fiber from:
Whole Grains
Vegetables and Fruits
Nuts and Seeds
Then put the two together:
1 slice whole grain toast with 2 tsp of peanut butter
½ cup low fat, low sugar Greek yogurt
½ cup sliced strawberries
1 egg, 2 egg white omelet with diced onions and peppers
1 cup cooked oatmeal topped with 1 Tbsp. chopped walnuts and 1 tsp brown sugar
OR (my recent favorite)
1 serving hot oat bran with 1 Tbsp. raisins , 1 tsp sugar/Stevia blend, and a splash of skim milk
½ cup low fat, low sugar vanilla yogurt
½ cup blueberries
Do these breakfasts sound too time consuming to you?  The thought of allowing time for a balanced breakfast may be what stops you in your tracks.  Convenient and quick often take priority to healthy and filling, but what might you be sacrificing?  All morning you are rushed and on edge needing to get ready and out of the door, and when mid-morning hits you’re already hangry and can’t wait until lunch.  Building in 10-15 extra minutes in the morning to eat your pick of a fiber and protein power duo could really set you up for a better day overall.  I challenge you to rearrange your morning and give it a try.  Plan in time to mindfully eat a balanced breakfast (it doesn’t have to be complicated; as easy as whole grain cereal, low fat milk, and a piece of fruit).  The minutes spent enjoying a balanced breakfast may also slow your roll and better prepare your body and brain for the day in more than one way.
If you don’t ever see yourself sitting down to eat breakfast, you can have healthy on the go.  You may not reap the rewards of a slower morning, but you sure don’t have to give up the nutrition (How about some mixed nuts, a banana, and a cup of milk?  All portable, yet still nutritious).  For more breakfast ideas, check out last September’s post “Fuel for Breakfast” (
The hangry fighting duo of fiber and protein is good for more than just breakfast!  Combine the two at all your meals and snacks for an easy meal foundation and a satisfying filling power. 

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