Sunday, March 1, 2015

Celebrating National Nutrition Month!

March is National Nutrition Month!  Do you give any thought to what nutrition is or what your own nutrition looks like?  Let’s take a look.
According to Merriam-Webster, nutrition is “the act or process of nourishment,” or “the process of eating the right kind of food so you can grow properly and be healthy.”
Our nutrition, good or bad, impacts how our body functions, how we grow, how we feel, and how we think, whether you believe it or not.  Yes, there are things in life that are out of our control, but for the most part, our food decisions are not one of them.  You have the opportunity to NOURISH your body in a way that supports and enhances your ability to pursue your dreams and enjoy life to the fullest!  You have this opportunity because what you eat matters, what you drink matters…nutrition matters.
In honor of National Nutrition Month, I’ve put together 31 mini goals, one for each day of the month (I’ll post them by weeks).  You’ll notice that not all are directly food related.  This is because I believe our whole lifestyle can be nourishing and impact our health on multiple levels.   It is not just our food that can nourish, but also our activity, faith, and interaction with others, among so many more!  Maybe you do each of these on the day they’re posted, do each one every day, or maybe you just find a couple of my mini goals that speak to you and start incorporating them into your daily routine.  I’m happy however you want to use the following list, but I hope it makes your National Nutrition Month a month of improved nutrition, enhanced daily experiences, and greater health and happiness!
March 1: Read a health/wellness/nutrition blog that you enjoy ;).  Check!

March 2: Eat a healthy breakfast (whether it is your norm or not).

March 3: First thing in the morning, say a prayer of thanks for your health and a prayer for strength against temptation.

March 4: Try fresh celery with peanut butter as a snack: March is also National Fresh Celery and National Peanut Month (who knew?!)!

March 5: Choose to pack lunch from home instead of getting lunch out at a restaurant.

March 6: Be active with friends or family (ex. hike/walk at a local park, take a neighborhood walk/bike ride, have a Just Dance tournament, play a pick-up basketball game, hit the gym, walk and window shop at the mall – keep moving!).

March 7: Take 30 whole minutes for quiet time (put away ALL distractions) – be still, relax, reflect, de-stress, enjoy!

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