Sunday, March 22, 2015

Final 9!

It’s the final week of National Nutrition Month®!  Below are my final nine daily mini-goals for better health.

March 23:  Eat only until satisfied, not stuffed, even if there is food left on your plate (remember eating more slowly helps).
March 24:  Choose olive oil instead of butter.
March 25:  Do 10 push-ups this morning, afternoon, and evening – it feels great!
March 26:  Eat some spinach! It’s national spinach day!  Be “…strong to the finish ‘cause you eat your spinach!”
March 27:  Pray a prayer of thanksgiving before every meal (whether home or dining out).
March 28:  Stick to moderation if you enjoy an adult beverage – one drink/day for women or two drinks/day for men (to shave off some of those liquid calories ;) ).
March 29:  Plan next week’s meals and snacks before you go shopping (helps keep your food choices in check all week and helps your budget too).
March 30:  Eat breakfast, lunch and/or dinner as a whole family – no TV, no books, no papers, no phones, just food and family.
March 31:  Rock confidence!  Wherever you are right now in your journey to better health and weight management…BE you, BE joyful, BE confident.

I would love to hear what you did to improve your nutrition this month!  Did you try any of my daily mini-goals?  Leave me a brief comment if you feel like it!
One of my favorites was from this past week.  I focused on being sure I made eye contact with and smiled at anyone who crossed my path.  People can’t frown back! J  I enjoyed sharing the smile.  Whether it meant nothing to the other person or maybe it lifted their spirits, it had an interesting impact on me.  I think it is quite easy to put your head down, do your job, and move along, not ever really cherishing the simple moments you may have to interact with someone.  Remember that everyone has their own story and we often don’t know where in their story they are…could be on a mountain top or in a deep valley.  How we interact with them can make an impact…a positive one!  I have been encouraged to be more willing to offer a greeting, a smile, and even extra moments to just listen to another child of God.
Have a happy and healthy week!

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