As a Registered Dietitian I so often get asked "so what do you eat?" or "don't you ever get tired of salads?" Other times I am told "I bet you barely eat anything," or "well, you wouldn't know" (in reference to controlling portions or being challenged by food choices). This and my love for food and nutrition inspired me to start this blog.
I hope to share thoughts and personal experiences that may help you handle some every day food challenges from a very real person, who does indeed eat with the best of them, with an added nutrition focused perspective.
To be honest, salads don't make much of an appearance in my weekly intake. Don't get me wrong, vegetables are DEFINITELY involved, but we (me and the hubby) prefer sautéed or roasted veggies at dinner and I find packing portable raw veggies with humus, for instance, a little easier for me to prepare in the early morning to pack with lunch.
Believe it or not, I am a dietitian and I battle "diet saboteurs" just like you. Those days you just can't stay out of the pantry...yep, been there. Those days your sweet tooth will not quit...yep, been there. Those days when the basket of chips has a mysterious pull for your hand that cannot be explained even though your brain says "no"...yes, I've been there. We all have a unique relationship with food, but few of us do not deal with temptation, "shoulda, coulda, wouldas," and guilt over our decisions. The key is to take control of these moments, recognize that they will come and be prepared to handle them.
Look forward to tips and tricks ahead and how this dietitian handles her food challenges. I may throw some recipes in there too. Surprise! While I know how ingredients fit nutritionally, I am not a culinary expert/chef, but an aspiring cook.
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