Sunday, June 28, 2015

Help From Above

Craving: a great or eager desire.  I enjoyed a snippet on the radio recently from Proverbs 31 Ministries (highly recommended for the ladies out there) that talked about redirecting your cravings for food.

Do you feel like your cravings for foods (whether sweet or salty or something totally off the wall) control you to a certain extent?  Those temptations elicit a little battle within, between what you are trying to accomplish (well controlled eating) and the enjoyment of that something.  This battle usually consumes way too much of our time and brainpower.  Plus, what usually wins?  I have found it all too often to be the craving.  We can take better control of our cravings with some help from above.

Can there really be a connection between our cravings and Christ?…you bet.  I was encouraged by the following radio podcast from Lysa TerKeurst that I decided I’m just going to share in its entirety with you below (or follow this link to listen:

“I believe God made us to crave so we’d always desire more of Him.

God made us to consume food, but food was never supposed to consume us. In the Bible, Jesus broke the vicious cycle of being consumed by cravings when He quoted God’s words. We can do the same thing! When we feel deprived and frustrated and consumed with wanting unhealthy choices, we can rely on the words we read in the Bible to help us.

Jesus, without hesitation, quoted truth from the Bible when He was tempted. Truth is powerful. The more we saturate our hearts with truth, the more we’ll be able to resist temptation and direct our cravings where they should be. To God and God alone.”

As in all things, we should follow Christ’s example.  To conquer your food cravings while growing in your relationship with Christ and walking more firmly in truth is something special.  Let’s make God our number one desire, let scripture be our weapon of choice against temptation and watch our craving battles fade.

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