Sunday, October 18, 2015

Getting to Know You

“Getting to know you, getting to know all about you…" (movie, anyone?)

I was a guest speaker this week at a local university to talk about becoming a Registered Dietitian.  I so enjoyed my visit and it gave me my topic for this week.  After my planned presentation, I held an open forum of sorts for nutrition questions.  I received great questions and several pertaining to what exactly I do on a daily basis.

I love these questions because it gives me an opportunity to describe how healthy does not have to be complicated…because, believe me you, that is not my style.

I think the expectation is often that I eat gourmet meals with all organic foods and never falter from my healthy path.  Au contraire.  I simply take a couple simple steps to set myself up for success throughout the week, live balance and moderation daily, and don’t beat myself up over some off-days. 

Setting myself up for success:

1.     Plan  (Know what lunches and dinners look like for the coming week and base your grocery list off of that.  If the healthier options are available you will be more likely to eat them).
2.     Pack (Packing lunch can be more convenient and tastier than constantly trying to find somewhere to eat out, not to mention cheaper).
3.     Eat frequently (Eating more like 5-6 times a day instead of twice makes a big difference.  If you eat 3 balanced meals and 2-3 small snacks, you’ll be satisfied and have so many more opportunities to get great nutrition).

Balance and Moderation:

Eat all food groups, choose moderate portions, eat mindfully, and indulge with grace on occasion. 

For more about eating mindfully see my post from January “Picture This” at

For more about “indulging with grace” see my post from May “The Perfect Diet” at

Don’t beat yourself up:

You’re going to have tough days, rough days, and days you just don’t eat like usual.  Don’t let that bring you down and curtail your healthy eating efforts.  Accept it, live through it, and cheer up, it happens to everyone!  One bad day does not ruin a lifestyle of healthy habits (even if you’re working your way to get here).

I also got a question about measuring portions.  The questions was "Do [I] always measure everything?"  To be honest, there are about 3 things that I do always measure.  Nuts, peanut butter, and ice cream.  Why?  Not because I’m a dietitian, but because I know me.  Nuts, peanut butter, and ice cream would contribute way too many extra calories to my intake if I didn’t take care to monitor my serving.

Should you measure everything, always?  No.  Measuring your portions is a great way to start building awareness of what and how much you are actually putting in your body.  It is a good exercise to get you moving in the right direction and to help you better understand what recommended serving sizes look like, but overtime you’re going to get the hang of things, I promise.

The key is to get to know YOU.  When you better understand what triggers cravings and overindulgences, you will be better able to work with them and make improved decisions.  You may very well end up with a couple particular items that you need to measure routinely too.  

Plan, pack, don't beat yourself up, and get to know YOU.  

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